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User: laxmikumari



People with this syndrome may prioritize others' needs and desires over their own, often at the expense of their own well-being and personal boundaries. They may have a strong desire for approval and fear being seen as selfish or disappointing. This pattern of behavior can stem from various factors, such as cultural and societal influences, upbringing, or personal experiences.It's important to note that using the term "syndrome" in this context is not a recognized medical diagnosis but rather a descriptive term to highlight a common behavioral pattern. If you or someone you know is struggling with these behaviors and they are causing distress or impacting daily functioning, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional who can provide guidance and assistance. Read more : what is good girl syndromegood girl signs signs of good girl serial monogamist red flag serial monogamist signs of a serial monogamist

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